Saturday, July 2, 2011

Truly Contributing!

job done. leavin'. :)

On the 2nd of July 2011, which was a Saturday, the Interact Club of La Salle Klang carried out our first project for this term. In conjunction with the 1 Murid, 1 Sukan and the Jogathon event, we put up stalls for mini games and sold drinks such as 100 plus and Sunkist orange juice to the students. For this project, Interactors were able to get 14 cartons of sponsored drinks. 2 games were played which include darts game and ring toss that were priced at RM 1 per trial. The response of the students was overwhelming for many who came and participated. Prizes were given out to winners of the games. The Interactors also helped to clean the school assembly point along with the Leo Club of La Salle Klang after the event. We garnered a total of RM485 which include both drink sales and games profit. This profit earned was all contributed to school. Overall, this project was a success. The interactors' spirit is commendable. 

 Viva La Interact!