Saturday, August 27, 2011

Animal Adoption Programme.

 Int. Jesson carrying a soon-to-be adopted puppy.
 aww.. cute shihzu. woof! :)

anything that you wanna know about puppies are in there. :)
Int. Sebastian with his fellow interactors.

 hey hey! *shouts* 100 plusssssss! c:

 sho cute right :)

 Past president Rtn. Guna with Rtn. Mr Anthony. all smiles :)
Rtn. Gerard Lazarus with his short but sweet speech. just the way he is. plain awesome :)

100 plus puh-leaseee?
*stares* :o

 presidents. :)
woof! pet's food! :)

watch out. :D
 peace! :)

10 interactors from our school participated and helped out in the Animal Adoption Programme which was held on the 27th of August in Bayu Animal Clinic. The aim of this programme is to instill our love towards the pets around us and to create awareness on the importance of pets’ adoption as we save a life when we adopt a pet. Overall it was a success for many who participated and supported this project. Although it was a joint-project between La Salle and ACS, but credits to all the other interactors who helped out throughout the day. True enough, we worked as a team.

I-N-T-E-R-A-C-T! <3

Viva la Interact! :)

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